In my student days I used camcorders on a daily basis but the prospect of owning one was remote because they were so expensive. This is probably the reason we were reminded so often to take great care when using them at college!

Fortunately, times have changed and the prices of video cameras have come down a great deal and more and more people can afford to purchase one.

The video camera is also pretty much a thing of the past and the age of the digital camcorder has well and truly taken over. If however a camcorder is still slightly out of your price range you could consider purchasing a refurbished model which can usually be quite a bit less expensive and ideal if you are just getting started.

You would be surprised how widely available refurbished camcorders are, I first came across these at an electronics show in Pittsburgh a good few years ago. These shows still travel round the country, you could look out for adverts in your local area. They tend to offer a wide range of products from soft wear and designer clothing to electronics usually at fantastically reduced prices and you can pick up a great bargain. Most of the electronics at these shows are refurbished and this is where you will also find the camcorders.

Buying refurbished goods does not have to spell disaster! If you are sensible and make sure that you ask for a demonstration of the product from the seller and physically check that all the functions are in good working order before you buy you should get as much pleasure from a refurbished model as a new one.

One point worth noting, ask if the model is still in production and readily available on the high street otherwise you may run into problems if you decide you would like to buy accessories or perhaps spare parts. Some of these items even come with a warranty, all be it usually a limited one.

One place you will find lots of refurbished camcorders is e Bay. In the majority of cases these are all properly refurbished and in good working order and being sold by honest traders. However it is always better to play safe, read the small print carefully and ensure that you can get a refund through papal should you run into problems. If you are at all unsure about a particular trader finding another camcorder and seller is simple!