If you download the images on your computer, you must design some kind of ranking system to help you remember when and where did you get the picture. This may seem a bit 'silly at first, but believe me, when you reach the stage where Have 6,000 images, may be a mess Trying to remind everyone, dates, places and so on especially if you travel.

Rather than leave it until you have a large collection of digital media, faceconfusion and waste of time, establishing a sound system of film classification before going crazy. I advise you to file on time, place and describe the case, for example, 6 07 June - Home - Grandson's Birthday Party.

If you use the same storage method consistently, it will be much easier to find what you want, whenever you want. For example, if I remember the date, you can remember the event or place ... or vice versa, we are looking for moreproduction.

If you do not have software to help you manage your digital images, then set the folders on your computer that reflect the foregoing. If you use Windows XP, you have a folder called My Pictures. In Create folders in a folder for each event or a photo collection that you create, but also keep an eye on your hard disk, because the images in their native format can be significant and it does not take much to chew 10 to 20 gigabytes of hardspace.

An excellent free program that not only help you organize images and files, but also to improve obtaining eliminate red eyes, size reduction, contrast enhancement, and cultures is so Google. Allows you to see at a glance what the photos are in which directory / folder. It also has many other features that make it very useful for example, you can copy files to a CD or DVD and implemented to show in a slideshow. If you visit Google's move righthorizontal menu under the Google logo and select "Other ...". You can find information and a link to download Picasa. It 'easy to learn and easy to use.

Once you have your file management system in place, the next thing you do is decide where you can store images in perpetuity. The storage on your hard drive is not an option in the long term you'll have more images having high loads of space. Here's what I do with my pictures:

When I download I see my camera and erase all pictures for imperfect not keep the files that are worth keeping

Then file them on the site until I had time to see and do what I want with them

To check them, I move my computer's hard drive to CD / DVD or transfer to an external, portable hard drive (80GB) that I bought for this purpose

The two options for archiving means that do not unecessarily bog down your computer with a load of files.

Whatever the number> Digital images you create, you really need to consider as files and manage them. This short article should have given you some ideas.

Copyright 2006 Robin Henry

The next article in this series explains how to resize and crop images and prepare them for e-mail or Internet.